SIC Testcommunication
The «The Research Center «TestSvyaz» LTD company has over 6 years works in the world consulting services market of.For this period the professional collective of our company has accumulated unique experience of wide type of works in the field of electronic equipment and telecommunication goods certification, consulting services providing, carrying of seminars and conferences, marketing researches, selection of high-professional personnels and specialists employment. Confirmation of product conforming to the legislative requirements of the state in which it is supplied in today is the major condition of successful advancement of goods and services in the world market (product certification). One of the basic types of "TestSvyaz" company activity is a grant of services in the certification of your products and services in the national certification systems all over the world - including the USA, Europe, countries the CIS. The "TestSvyaz" company undertakes the whole complex of services in realization of your products certification - from the receipt of your order and to the grant to you certificate. High quality and reliability of "TestSvyaz" company work got the high estimation of our clients from around the world. The permanent partners of our company are leading producers and suppliers of electronic equipment and telecommunication goods, and also certification companies. The "TestSvyaz" company has a wide experience on a certification and tests on accordance to the international and national standards of countries of America, Europe, CIS :
An important factor for the successful including to the new markets of goods and services sale there is complete and reliable information and recommendations mine-outs on its foundation. The specialists of "TestSvyaz" company at high professional level will conduct marketing researches of Ukraine market, will work out recommendations on company including to the country market, and also on organization of your goods and services advertising. Important work of "TestSvyaz" company is a selection of high-professional personnel for the Ukrainian companies and foreign representative offices based on the complex of modern personnel fitness evaluation procedure, and employment of skilled specialists. Work with a "TestSvyaz" company is a warrant of the successful and operative fulfillment of your ordering at high professional level. |